Tuesday 9 June 2020

25 Unique Cause And Effect Essay writing Topics for Your Next Semester

Cause and effect is a type of essay where you must analyze the reason (cause) behind an action and elaborately discuss the results (effect). In simple terms, you have to answer "why it happened?" and identify "what happened because of it?" Choosing the right topic is extremely important to write an A+ cause and effect essay. It is one of the main reasons why most students ask expert writers 
"please help me write my essay.”
If you are unsure about your essay topic and wondering "I need someone to help me write my essay”, here’s a list of unique essay topics.

1. What is the effect of video games on IQ?
2. What causes homelessness in America?
3. Effect social media on communication skills
4. How long-distance dating causes distrust in relationships?
5. Do feminists have serious commitment issue?
6. What causes people to not to get medical help with their health problems?
7. What causes the outbreak of a virus in Africa?
8. What causes diseases like Covid-19 or HIV to be so difficult to eradicate?
9. What effect does stress have on health?
10. What are the causes and effects of destructive relationships?
11. What are the causes and effects of racism in America?
12. What are the causes and effects of obesity in the US?
13. The media create unrealistic beauty standards causing eating disorders in adolescents.
14. Describe the cause and effect of the American government’s attitude to immigrants and other minority groups.
15. What are the primary causes of religious oppression? Support with compelling examples
16. What are the cause and effect of illiteracy in life?
17. Cause and effect of depression and stress on a marriage
18. How can international adoption bridge the gap between advanced and developing countries?
19. Mention the critical effects of gender inequality in the United States
20. What is the significant cause and effect connections of the Holocaust on Jews living today?
21. What are the causes and effects of the Colombian drug wars?
22. What are the primary effects of divorce on minors?
23. What are the causes and effects of men's phobia to commit?
24. Why immigrants face challenges securing a job in the States?
25. Effect of terrorist strikes, sexual assault, and other fearful situations on children
Self help and practice are the best tips to become an expert essay writer. So, bookmark this list and regularly practice writing a cause and effect essay. All the best!

Summary: Cause and effect essay is exciting to some but complicated to many. A lot of students find it challenging to pick a good topic. If you too are struggling to pick out the best from the lot, refer to this list of handpicked topics and start working on it.

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